Sunday, August 30, 2009

Just Wondering

I “wonder” aimlessly (it seems) why more Americans do not look at the record of the government.

Most recently, we can examine Cash for Clunkers – this program began in 2009 and ended in 2009 – broke
The TARP bill was trillions of dollars in 2009 and we see that things have progressively become worse
Freddie Mac is broke – sister Fannie Mae is broke
Medicare is broke Medicaid is broke
For the last 46 years, each and every year over 1,000,000,000,000 (12 zeros is 1 trillion) is taken from citizens and distributed to the poor – somehow the “poor” rolls keep growing
Social Security is broke
The Postal Service is broke

And those are just financial failures…

We can examine some other well known but "kept to a quiet roar" failures…

The FEC is supposed to enforce the nation’s federal campaign finance laws – tell me, would anyone other than the government appoint 6 members to a committee 3 repubs & 3 dems – sounds like a lot of gridlock- I know I know… we just added 5 more members “right” – NO meaningful reform has been birthed from any committee in the Senate – somehow – magically any meaningful reform gets buried.

There has been an assertion, no – scrap the word assertion- there has been all out theft of our liberties by the Executive Branch. This power grab started many many decades ago – and at this point in time with all the czar’s (including some self avowed communists and terrorists), our stately Whitehouse is looking more like a Jihad camp run by Karl Marx.

The Census Bureau – wow – where do we even start? Well perhaps we should start at the over $600 million spent to upgrade the technology ("hand helds" - as in computers not coom bi ya). Upgrade??? Was there any technology other than paper in the last census? The "hand helds" are not even going to be used in 2010 because all that money spent “fixing” the technology (gulp), did NOT fix the technology problem – ahhhh who cares- bury it– it is just the taxpayers money. Cost estimates for the census were at $11.5 billion and just like everything else the government touches… it somehow goes up. We are now hovering at / around $14.5 billion.

Our borders are a mess. The border fence has been one government agency tripping over another (how many agencies does it really take to contract out 6000 or so miles of fence). Testifying before Congress in September, Randolph C. Hite, the GAO’s director of information technology architecture and systems, put the problem bluntly: “Important aspects of SBInet remain ambiguous and in a continued state of flux, making it unclear and uncertain what technology capabilities will be delivered and when, where, and how they will be delivered.” – wow – this is TOTALLY a government official answer to a question. I am not certain we can expect any more or any better from “agencies” when our Legislators cannot even stand tall and proud to create a cohesive plan for border security and immigration. In La-La Land (D.C.) border security and immigration is all politics (fluff) and no policy.

We should also mention Health and Human Services and their dirty little secret known as Department of Social Services, aka, Child Protective Services. What a train wreck. Most complaints against the agency are centered on the randomness of DSS action, abuse of social worker authority, and failure of judicial leadership to take responsibility – wow. Not to mention all the cases where the children DSS was supposed to protect - somehow died under their care. It has been shown that this agency operates with closed courtrooms, confidential files, and total statutory immunity. Hmmm, I do recall one Lord Acton, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely”. We as citizens, in our cities and states need to take a look at what is being done in the “Service and Protection of Our Children”. There are countless families who have come forward to state that the Juvenile Court is not fulfilling its role as an effective check on DSS, which should be viewed as only a party in the proceeding, with no greater standing or credibility than any other party. The court is responsible for providing the ultimate check within the system. Judges must never suspend their independent role as fact-finder and choose to “defer” any decision. And what about withholding exculpatory evidence… nah…the courts would never allow that. Would they? Nahhhh not in America. No way. Would they?

Alrighty then. This has been fun – Let’s do it again tomorrow. Together we will look at more failures inside our government and together ask ourselves "why" we would let the government take over any more plans, programs and initiatives or allow them to begin any new ones.

I predict we will have a good conversation and we will unify our voices and begin to talk about taking back all the UNconstitutional activities of our government and fortify our strategy to put the power back to where it needs to be (that would be with you and me).

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