Thursday, August 13, 2009

Celebrating and Restoring Liberty, One Community at a Time…

In the latter part of 1765 the Sons of Liberty hung a large brass sign on an Elm tree that had stood in Boston Square for over a hundred years. The sign read “The Tree of Liberty” and there under the shade of its branches they held regular meetings to discuss the virtues of true liberty and the evils of tyranny. That grand old Elm was cut down by Loyalists in 1775 but the eternal principles it had come to symbolize had already taken root in the hearts and minds of many would be Americans.

After the Revolution was fought and won, virtually every locale in the colonies established some form of memorial to that spot in Boston that had become widely known as the “Birthplace of America”. Two hundred thirty three years later those principles of Natural Law which our Founders declared to the world are still alive and well. A reverence for their sacrifice still exists in the hearts and minds of millions of Americans. Many though, are not even conscience of the principles that constitute true liberty although they’ve spent their lives enjoying the blessings that accompany them. Whether by design or natural tendency, we as a people have become ignorant of our history and by doing so have put freedom in jeopardy.

Our political class is overrun with men and women who have no concept or understanding of the eternal principles of Natural Law. They have no moral compass, no sense of ethics and no honor. They throw the word compromise around as if it were a badge of honor.

At the National 912 Project we are proposing a long term solution for the systemic problems that threaten our nation. As long as the political class can keep us busy chasing issues and crises which they dictate and often contrive themselves, then we won’t have the time, energy or inclination to pursue and implement real and permanent solutions to the underlying problems of ignorance, corruption and plain old anti-American sentiment that now plague our governing institutions.

Our solution is quite simple. Through education, unity and election in every community across the country, one community at a time, we will re-establish the principles of Natural Law. All politics are local right? Imagine what would happen if most of the communities in your state filled their school boards with good and virtuous men and women who were well versed in and held dear the same principles on which our Constitution is based. Then each one of those school boards decided to exercise their rights under our Constitution and make their own decisions as to the curriculum they choose for their children. Whether or not they think its ok for their children to pray or say the pledge. These decisions and many more, are decisions that should be made at a local level by the people they affect the most.

Now and in the coming months we will be encouraging members of the National 912 Project all over the country to begin holding Liberty Parties in their communities to plant or designate a Liberty Tree or similar memorial and to celebrate our freedom, promote unity and to help spread the word about this simple yet effective plan to locate, educate and elect statesmen, honorable men and women to all local offices.

The original Liberty Tree was an Elm and in my opinion, any new tree memorial should be an Elm, but I have written about and compared our liberty to a mighty oak and recently have been considering a species of tree that many consider to be one of the largest organisms on earth. It’s the Aspen tree and here is an excerpt from Wikipedia.“The Aspen tree forms large stands of trees connected by a single underground root system. These trees form through root sprouts coming off an original parent tree”. America itself may be best symbolized by these Aspens. We are one large organism connected by our underground roots system…our communities.

If you’re interested in working toward a real, permanent solution, so that your children and grandchildren don’t end up fighting these same battles all over again, join us at the National 912 Project by going to

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