Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Freedom vs The Empire

As an American body we have been demoralized and paralyzed.  We The People started it – decades of expediency at the expense of principle has created apathy, dependence, bureaucracy, educational indoctrination, and national arrogance.

Our dependence upon federal programs and their federal experts, compliant large corporations, and even large churches (who must protect their IRS tax status) We The People no longer know the truth to speak.  We have given up our right to be our own expert – we have handed the "expert" all the power in the areas of (not an exhaustive listing):

Ø  food (now mostly modified and controlled),
Ø  clothing (now mostly made outside of our borders),
Ø  security (touching children and elderly getting on planes, allowing jihad within our own boundaries, not securing borders – all provide a patently false sense of security)
Ø  benefits (private enterprise sent to the gulag – leveling in effect)
Ø  health (panels of people chosen by the elites get to decide what is worth the price and our privacy is all but gone, medications are regulated to the point of shortages)
Ø  and education (our posterity no longer learns the real history and cannot read and write and perform simple math – cultural Marxism has creeped into our classrooms and all that takes place is indoctrination).

Politicians on both sides of the aisle protect and support government that is:

  — mer•it•o•crat•ic \mer-ə-tə-kra-tik   adjective

a system in which the talented are chosen and moved ahead on the basis of their achievement

leadership selected on the basis of intellectual criteria


— aris•to•crat•ic  \ə-ris-tə-kra-tik,  adjective

government by the best individuals or by a small privileged class

a government in which power is vested in a minority consisting of those believed to be best qualified 

a governing body or upper class usually made up of a hereditary nobility

the aggregate of those believed to be superior

We are witnessing our government in a battle with the economy – the economy THEY created and wanted to create.  We are living the results of that battle.  There is an attack on our laws, our constitution, our families, our communities, our religions, our businesses (capitalism) by a noose tightening and very oppressive government.  The media is compliant as they have been given a seat at the meritocratic and aristocratic table.

In Eclogues Publius Vergilius Maro (call him Vergil) made very sufficient warnings to the free Romans that an empire was coming.  The free Romans were listening, however, their solutions were not adequate. 

It is always easy to arm chair quarterback especially centuries later as so much history has been displayed.  I am going to arm chair quarterback now – top down solutions where We The lowly People are "determined to change" the leadership through replacement strategies are not enough.  For this solution to work, We The lowly People MUST assume that those in power are going to voluntarily give up the money, power and prestige.  You know the sayings, "if they are in-they are out", "we can replace them, vote them out- year by year".  Well folks – I hate to be the bearer of some really bad news today – but


in history has that occurred.   NEVER in history has an oppressive government given up or ceded power NEVER has an oppressive government worked though a list of demands.  We The People must take our power back.  We must bring back and usher in FREEDOM.

We must continue in our freedom movement  and march on Washington or our local capitals, we must continue our activism, however, our movement requires something more from each of us.

It starts with looking around your neighborhood.  Meet your neighbors, talk and plan with them.  Drive to the LOCAL businesses, talk with and purchase from them – Leave the big box.  Yes, I realize the economies of scale make that next to impossible – but make a decision to do more with less.  Plant your own garden – gardening was once a foundation to our health – the diminishment of gardening and the diminishment of heath cannot be a coincidence. Store water- be prepared yourself, so that you may be an example and help others.  Share books- we do not have to support the big box Amazon and B&N.  Shop local – your local book retailer may not have this exact day the book you desire – but I bet they can get it to you within a day or two.  Give voice to our values.

If at all possible, school children outside of the establishment.  What if you could educate your children better with the best resources sent directly into your home – what if you were in control of the experiences of your children and your beliefs could be freely discussed and promoted.  For two hundred years in our American history, from the mid-1600s to the mid-1800s, public schools as we know them today were virtually non-existent, and the educational needs of America were met by the free market. In these two centuries, America produced several generations of highly skilled and literate men and women who laid the foundation for a nation dedicated to the principles of freedom and self-government.  Children were schooled at home, private school, church, voluntary associations such as library companies and philosophical societies, circulating libraries, apprenticeships, and private study.  In 1776, instruction was offered in Latin, Greek, mathematics, surveying, navigation, accounting, bookkeeping, science, English, and contemporary foreign languages.  Incompetent and inefficient teachers were soon eliminated, since they were not subsidized by the State or protected by a guild or union. Teachers who satisfied their customers by providing good services prospered – imagine teachers as entrepreneurs!  Resonate over all the options and choices we COULD have today – if we would just seize them!

What if entrepreneurship became popular again.  As a former self employed professional in the financial services arena, I was constantly interacting with "owners" and "renters" in the career market.   I had the privilege of taking those who were owners but happened to be renting out of necessity – I had the privilege of teaching them how to leave with their self esteem and self image intact and find their own freedom.   Over 65% of the people I knew in 2001 told me stories of how they were fired for making too much money, being too ambitious or rubbing the wrong person in the wrong way!   Most corporations use your ambition, intellect, energy and productive years – then in a wash – you are gone.  And you discover that loyalty is a one-way street.  An entrepreneur is an agent of change. Entrepreneurship is the process of discovering new ways of combining resources.  Let us deal with one of the most common myths of entrepreneurship:  Most entrepreneurs are successful financially…  Entrepreneurship creates a lot of wealth, but depending on a variety of factors, it is somewhat unevenly distributed. The typical profit of an owner-managed business is $43,000 per year. Only the top ten percent of entrepreneurs earn more money than employees. And the typical entrepreneur earns less money than he otherwise would have earned working for someone else.  The object, the reason, why people risk all is FREEDOM.  To work for oneself. To be the responsible one.  To provide.  To Be Free!  Freedom flourishes, freedom rises when people are independent and as self sufficient as possible.

We The People as individuals and partners, families and teams must identify what is needed in their own lives and our own communities and just deliver.  If real and effective change is to come and most importantly stay, it is going to be started by We The People in our own communities.  We are going to fail – of course we are and we should seek it out.  We will become wise risk-takers who understand and are capable of maintaining freedom in our society.  We will be teaching this to the younger generations in our families, groups and teams within our communities and if we do this correctly throughout our great Republic.

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