Monday, August 29, 2011

Pole Tax on Strip Clubs Requires Deeper Thought

Dear Editor,

On Sunday, as I read the paper, I was humored but NOT shocked to see the article on a “pole tax” the taxing authority is trying to implement.  A $5.00 charge on strip clubs serving alcohol. Seems to me this is just another tax on “addiction” businesses.

I believe vices, drugs and addictions should be taxed. As vices, drugs and addictions go we have alcohol, marijuana, gaming, cigarette, strip clubs, and even tanning. All businesses providing services or products in these areas are heavily taxed. The taxing authorities even propose part of the tax collected be used to help  the people with the problem (smoking, gambling etc). This is great.

I am proposing to legislators upon their vacation return, a tremendous and COMPLETELY MISSED opportunity on taxation. This activity has been referred to as a drug or addiction by many on all sides of the spectrum, on more than one occasion.

Over $1Billion of this addictive drug will be injected into one person by the end of 2012. How can one person possibly utilize $1Billion in a little over one year other than go plum crazy.

It is the drug of choice of all politicians. It is called “The Campaign Donation”. This is their breath - the ring on the gold wheel of life. It is their manna.

If we tax this drug at a mere 50%, we would have enough to fund a committee to analyze the effects of this drug on our legislators and the resulting effects of the abuse on the general public. It could also fund a study on morals, ethics and integrity along with responsiblity and sound judgement. All of which appears to be absent once this drug is injected into its receipient.

Don’t believe me? Ask any legislator and see if he tells you the truth.  (sucker)

By the way, the super congress of 12 chaired by Congressman Henserling just received a $64 Million injection of this drug from Wall Street alone. See, it could be a very good year for the tax on drugs. 

The Texas comptroller stated alcohol and sex promotes rape, sexual assault, prostitution and pornography. I submit the same is true in campaign contributions; you don’t think “campaign contributed and PAC fed politicians” just eat, drink and be merry, do you?  for more information!

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